Monday, October 15, 2007

N95 vs iPhone- my take!

So there are probably hundreds of blogs and articles about N95 vs iPhone thingy. Which one is better and which one for you?

I decided that I will try to do it in as few words as possible.

Since there are also many people that tend to see phones as to a car, I decided to do simply answer this question: If N95 is a car what would it be???

... well, in terms of everything, the N95 is the MB below:

and in terms of functionality the iPhone is the one below...

Note: The pictures used are from the internet and I am not sure if it is copy righted or not. My apologies to the owner if they are...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was the best comparison I have seen :-)
I totally agree with you, even if I have a iPhone (I have a N95 8GB as well)